Panel filters for air conditioning systems
Panel filters are often used in ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC systems) in both the supply and extract air. They are primarily used as the first or second filter stage for the effective filtration of particles to protect other filters. In addition to use in ventilation and air conditioning systems, these filters are also used as pre-filters in industrial processes. Their narrow design enables space-saving use with high filtration efficiency.
Our Panel filters are grouped into different separation efficiencies according to ISO 16890. From ISO Coarse for coarse dust filtration to ePM1 for fine dust separation, we offer a broad portfolio. The diversity of our Panel filters is particularly evident in the frame sizes, materials, filter media and Energy classes according to Eurovent. This means that they can be used in a wide variety of applications. The diversity of our portfolio is also reflected in the different Energy classes of the filters.
Your benefits:
Wide range of applications thanks to different frame sizes, materials and filter media
High quality standards through Eurovent certification of selected products