Your start with us
Research & Development
More than 200 engineers from numerous professional fields: they are all working on our vision of "purifying our planet".
Our hashtag #filtrationforfuture is not a marketing slogan, but a lived practice: we develop filtration solutions for the needs of the future, always in the spirit of the most sustainable way of doing business and living.
More than 200engineers work at Hengst Filtration in a wide variety of professional fields: Product development, design, testing, quality, production technology, simulation, patenting.
They also have a wide variety of qualifications: Filtration, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, process engineering, automotive engineering or quality management and assurance.
All these skills enable us to work together on our grand vision: purifying our planet.
Hengst offers many opportunities for engineers to further their education beyond the technical field and pursue work with a greater purpose.
Dr. Lars Petersen
Team leader product pre-development particle and droplet filtration
Tech Center Filtration: Das Herzstück unserer Vorentwicklung
2023 haben wir unser neues Tech Center Filtration in Münster eröffnet – unsere Zentrale für alles, was Filtration betrifft. Das Tech Center Filtration ist allen Divisionen und Entwicklungsbereichen vorgelagert, beispielsweise für innovative Problemstellungen im Bereich der Brennstoffzellentechnik oder für Carbon-Capture-Lösungen. Hier entwickeln wir neue Kompetenzen und lösen gesellschaftliche Problemstellungen.
All vacancies in Research & Development at Hengst
You can find all vacancies on our job board. You can filter the jobs directly according to your requirements by ticking the "Research & Development" box under "Company division".
Your contacts for Research & Development at Hengst
Stefanie Klein
HR | Central Functions & Filtration for Industry and Environment
s.klein[at]hengst.deLinda Krandiek
HR | Engine and Mobile Filtration & Hengst Air Filtration Germany