
Catalog for Air filters

Use our detailed product catalog and find the optimum filter solution from our diverse air filter portfolio in just a few clicks.

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We have the right Air filter for every need. Whether for modern ventilation systems, industrial applications or demanding clean room environments - we have the right solution. Our product catalog includes General HVAC air filters, High efficiency EPA, HEPA and ULPA filters, High temperature filters for extreme conditions, Molecular filters (AMC) and Activated Carbon filters for gas and odor removal, robust filter solutions for Gas turbines and turbomachinery and Dust extraction filters. We also offer matching frames, housings and other accessories so that you can get everything from a single source.

The benefits of our catalog

Our digital product catalog will help you find the right filter solutions for your needs.

Efficient decision-making

Get a detailed overview of the benefits of each product and discover the perfect variant for your specific requirements.

Sustainable product decisions

Our product catalog is digital. This saves resources and protects the environment - in line with our mission of purifying our planet.

More clarity for quick decisions

Our product data sheets have a standardized structure and provide important information at a glance. They contain a product description, benefits, areas of application and technical features. Technical Specifications for individual product variants can be found in tabular form. You can use the type designations directly for your inquiries.

Fast, simple navigation

Our digital catalog is interactive. This makes it easy for you to find your way around our product portfolio.

Comprehensive product directory

Our product glossary helps you to find a product by name. Ideal for reordering.

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Please feel free to contact us:

Hengst SE
Nienkamp 55-85
48147 Münster
© 2025 Hengst SE

Please write to us:

If you have any questions or suggestions, you've come to the right place. Send us a message and we will reply as quickly as possible. To the contact form

purifying our planet

Our corporate vision

We make the planet cleaner with our products. We also make the journey there as clean as possible.


We develop the filtration solutions of the future. For our customers and for society.


Our focus is on energy efficiency. This helps the environment and saves costs.